Monday, February 22, 2010

DAY 053

Today started out looking like it was going to be a boring Monday. I had a lot of impossible reading to do, which I ended up not doing:

It was also a normal day at the CEC office:

But after longboard club, I decided to finally climb on top of the elevator to take a picture of the view, and I found another one of those cool hidden places on campus! It's a small space, but you can tell that a lot of people have been up here. There are graffiti tags all over the walls and floor, mostly involving words that don't make sense. In the middle of this small rooftop space, there's also a ventilation unit with this taped to it:

It's like a secret communal space! So awesome. Just as we were about to leave, these three guys skated over and climbed up, smiling so much that it worried me a little bit. They pulled out some blunts and a laptop and proceeded to play music, asking us if we had heard such-and-such artist before switching the songs.

We asked them if they wanted to take a picture with us using the disposable camera, but they told us they had already taken tons. It was very magical. These moments are what I love so much about being in college - these coincidences that you can't plan but seem to happen so often here. When we asked the boys if they knew who had put the camera there, they said they didn't know. I love that there's now this connection between me and someone who I'll probably never meet, who now has a picture of my shoes...

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