My family is currently remodeling the downstairs room, taking what was once my bedroom and making it into my dad's new office. Meaning everything that I have to go through almost everything I own and decide whether or not I want to keep it. It turns out that I'm more of a packrat than I thought. Going through my stuff, I found a collection of old birthday cards, a digital camera from middle school that hasn't worked for years, and a ton of instruction manuals for computers and alarm clocks that we don't own anymore.
Some of my stuff (like the things I just mentioned) were pretty easy to get rid of, but I began going through a bunch of my old artwork and it was harder throwing away some of those pieces. Although a lot of them are really ugly (and I mean really ugly) I put a lot of effort into them at the time and I guess I kept them because I felt like I had put so much into them. However, the fact is that I really have no need of keeping them. I don't look at them regularly, and I don't remember most of them until I see them. And I'm not really that kind of artist anymore; I don't paint or draw regularly. When I finally did throw away most of my old sketches, it made me feel unexpectedly sad. It was as if I were saying, "Okay, I guess I'll never be an artist."
I don't think that's true, exactly, but I did feel like I was casting off a part of my old self. That's a good thing, right?
Anyway, I did photograph some of my old sketches and final works. Here they are: